Thursday, January 28, 2010

Odds & Ends

Click here for Howard’s complete story:

Song: When you say nothing at all preformed by Allison Krauss and What’ll I do by Bing Crosby

Position: retired, Rebecca’s heart

Small build, big heart, all boy. Named after Johnny Cash, he does everything with full effort, putting all he has into pulling. Like the lead character in the football film, Rudy, Johnny is a little guy with a big heart that wants nothing more than to make the team.

Johnny is our boomerang dog. Johnny went to a good home on a trial basis with the hopes that he would keep an older dog company; Johnny wanted to play more than the old dog so he was returned home to us; he is a good boy and we are happy to have him in our kennel.

Song: Legend of John Henry’s Hammer preformed by Johnny Cash

Position: team, wheel

Patsy Ann Francis
Begat by Natty and Fargo and named after another of our best girls, Patsy Ann and our neighbor Fran, this is a beautiful girl with a long name. What beautiful blue eyes! She has the quirky personality of Fargo, and like her mother, Natty, this girl is still coming into her own. She can’t help but wag her tail at the mention of her name, and once her tail gets going it is hard to stop. Patsy Ann Francis spends her days playing with Luna and Belle Starr.

Song: TBD

Position: Rebecca says Patsy Ann Francis is a diamond in the rough. She will train in wheel and team.

Still a bit skittish since coming to our kennel, Orion has so much to give on the gangline and as a companion. He has managed to gain about 7 pounds since he first came to stay at the kennel, though we are still trying to put more fat on his frame. He enjoys talking a bit just before he settles down to sleep at night.

Song: We Shall Overcome and How can I Keep from Singing both preformed by Bruce Springsteen in the Seeger Sessions

Position: team, wheel

*Contender for the 2010 Iditarod team

Rory and Annabelle share the same build and personality---petite and high strung. When we first brought Rory into the kennel she wanted zero human interaction, and was a fear biter. Though stressful, and sometimes painful we worked diligently to socialize Rory; she has turned a 180 from the dog we first met. She has proven to be a leader, trying to please and impress us she loves praise for a job well done.

Position: lead, swing

Song: Wildflowers by Tom Petty

*Contender for the 2010 Iditarod team

Oh, Gus! This yearling who joined our kennel in early summer of 2009 is like Animal from the Muppets. He is full of energy, happy about life (though he’s not sure why) and easily distracted. He has a bit of learning to do on the gang line, but is a welcome addition to the kennel.

Position: wheel, and running and jumping off his house like Superman

Song: TBD

With her striking blue eyes, Morgan joined our kennel along with Gus and Whitey-Lance, and has proven to be a solid dog and a good addition to our team. She is a very healthy eater and has a great attitude.

Position: team, wheel

Song: TBD

*Contender for the 2010 Iditarod team

Already named Whitey, by his original musher, Rebecca added the hyphen and Lance to his name in honor of her mushing mentor who also has a dog named Whitey. Gentle and kind, he is a great dog to have on the line, and enjoys running next to Orion. No one gives hugs like Whitey-Lance.

Position: team, wheel (he ran in lead once, not pretty)

Song: TBD

*Contender for the 2010 Iditarod team

Originally from Lance Mackey’s kennel, Hank made his way to our kennel in summer of 2009 after a brief stint with two other mushers. We named him Hank after Rebecca’s uncle Pete (no it doesn’t make sense unless you know uncle Pete). Hank is a healthy eater, is self assured and adjusted easily to life in our kennel.

Position: swing, team, wheel

Song: TBD

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